Thanks for bridging the gap

To the editor,

Thank you Mayor Youssef, Councilors Brookie and Bettin, Parks & Recreation and Multimodal Advisory Board members and all the Durango citizens who stood up and spoke up for the northern extent of the Animas River Trail by connecting the eastern and western sides of the trail via completion of the long-planned 32nd Street pedestrian bridges project.

It is, indeed, an important project for the entire city, as Mayor Youssef indicated at the budget hearing. The social, environmental, economic and public health benefits are numerous and an important investment in our city. By providing an additional option for all residents to safely cross 32nd Street, by separating motorized and pedestrian traffic, the completed trail and bridges will:

• Increase access and improve connectivity and mobility throughout the city and ensure the safety of all users, especially children;

• Encourage alternatives to driving;

• Support increased use with a new trail section available to residents and visitors;

• Draw people to North Durango and increase commerce on N. Main

• Improve public health; and

• Create a new amenity in North Durango.

Public infrastructure projects like this are exactly the dedicated sales tax’s intended purpose – to make improvements to our community we cannot do without it or as individuals. The proposed 32nd Street safety study and design will further enhance the above benefits. Thank you to everyone who supported these improvements in the north end of town.

– Ellen Stein, Durango