Ask Rachel

Leftover wood, universal signs and gifts that keep giving
Leftover wood, universal signs and gifts that keep giving

Interesting fact: The phenomenon where you keep noticing something over and over once you become aware of it is called the “frequency illusion” or the “Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.” Now you’ll start seeing “Baader-Meinhof” wherever you look. 


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Enlightenment, avocado love and IRAs
Enlightenment, avocado love and IRAs
Interesting fact: Pearl Jam had an avocado on the cover of its 2006 album. Why? As guitarist Mike McCready said, “I think we were watching the Super Bowl, and we had some guacamole or something.”
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Drugged out, cameo role and Chex mate
Drugged out, cameo role and Chex mate
Interesting fact: General Mills actually removed bagel chips from Chex Mix in 2009. Feels like it never happened. 
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Feeling the pinch, family matters and conspiracy leery
Feeling the pinch, family matters and conspiracy leery

Interesting fact: Reportedly, before Chicago started dyeing the river green, the mayor considered dyeing Lake Michigan. That is dye hard.

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Getting scammed on, pillow talk and cat calls
Getting scammed on, pillow talk and cat calls
Interesting fact: We are supposed to replace our pillows every year. As if.
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Dysfunction junction, dysfunctional junk & junk dysfunction
Dysfunction junction, dysfunctional junk & junk dysfunction
Interesting fact: Self-storage is a $40 billion industry annually. I’m in the wrong business.
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Booked up, arm candy and breaking wind
Booked up, arm candy and breaking wind
Interesting fact: 767 million print books were sold in the U.S. in 2023. That’s enough to build one hell of a fort.
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Stuck up, federal holidaze and mind on my money
Stuck up, federal holidaze and mind on my money

Interesting fact: Financial experts say that no amount is too small to start investing. After all, if you invest just $5 in the stock market today, in 10 years you could have as much as $15!

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Sideline entertainment, colorful cops and toxic males
Sideline entertainment, colorful cops and toxic males

Interesting fact: In a piece about cop cars as PR vehicles (ha), the WaPo highlighted a 1933 report finding that citizens believed a police force had doubled once they painted the cars white to make them more visible. So just imagine what yellow paint would do. 

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V-Day, laundry lists and fire cocks
V-Day, laundry lists and fire cocks

Interesting fact: Fire hydrants, apparently still called “fire plugs” by some people, are also called “fire cocks.” There’s your Valentine’s Day conversation starter.


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Covering our holes, legalese and shed storm
Covering our holes, legalese and shed storm
Interesting fact: When your dog sheds in the dead of winter, it’s possible they’re actually just now shedding their summer coat to make room for ever-more incoming winter coat. Or, they done messed up without even consulting the groundhog. 
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Little bottles, massages and Joe wears panty hose
Little bottles, massages and Joe wears panty hose

Interesting fact: Taupe originally referred not to a wide range of dark gray-brown shades but to the specific color of the average French mole. Because (French accent) of course.


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Phone ADHD, kicking back and gotcha day
Phone ADHD, kicking back and gotcha day
Interesting fact: “Gotcha Day” is so established, it has its own Wikipedia page, which states that some adoptees find the term offensive. And this is how Rachel slowly realized people actually use this term for people adoptions, not just for pets.
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Black sheep, un-decoration day and being like Babs

Interesting fact: The First Night of Christmas is sundown on Dec. 25, meaning the 26th is actually the First Day of Christmas, and therefore Mariah Carey is technically legal until Twelfth Day, Jan. 6.


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Rings around the rosie and spelling divorce
Rings around the rosie and spelling divorce
Interesting fact: Auld lang syne is Scots for “old long since,” or basically, “long long ago.” I’m holding out for Scots-language “Star Wars,” in a galaxy far, far awyne.
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Strip mining, out of fashion and singled out
Strip mining, out of fashion and singled out

Interesting fact: Chex Mix was the creation of the Ralston Purina Co. Chow down, puppy dogs. (But of course, it was reportedly first popularized by the wife of an executive, once again shelving the accomplishments of a woman and a goddamn American hero.)


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Don't nog it till you try it, rain checks and all a-bored
Don't nog it till you try it, rain checks and all a-bored

Interesting fact: If the dictionary is to be believed, nog is a strong ale that used to be brewed in parts of England. So strong, I bet it went straight to your noggin.

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Death chariot, buying happiness and missing the point
Death chariot, buying happiness and missing the point
Interesting fact: “Last Christmas,” released in 1984, didn’t hit #1 in the U.K. until 2021. And it didn’t chart at all in the U.S. until 2016. Wham!
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Too much of a good thing and holiday drop-out
Too much of a good thing and holiday drop-out

Interesting fact: The Mayo Clinic says that four cups of coffee a day seems to be a healthy limit for most adults. They have yet to reply to my inquiries on Christmas overdosing.

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Ex-holiday traditions, dream therapy and role reversal
Ex-holiday traditions, dream therapy and role reversal

Interesting fact: Carrie Fisher claimed that she played the Star Wars Holiday Special at parties when she wanted people to leave. Thanksgiving pro tip.

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