Murder Ink
- The second stringers
- By Jeffery Mannix
- 06/07/2018
- In cold blood
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 05/03/2018
- The road to ruin
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 04/05/2018
- Back to the beginning
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 03/01/2018
- Murder Ink: Joining the Burke brigade
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 02/01/2018
- A total bombshell
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 01/04/2018
- The new queen of Nordic noir
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 12/07/2017
- Skeletons in the closet
- By Jeff Mannix
- 11/02/2017
- Murder Ink: Unforgettable
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 10/05/2017
- Murder Ink: Hard to quit
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 09/07/2017
- Murder Ink: When crime pays
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 08/04/2017
- Murder Ink: Down the rathole
- By Jeffery Mannix
- 07/06/2017
- A day at the beach
- By Jeffery Mannix
- 06/01/2017
- An Icelandic chiller
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 05/02/2017
- Murder Ink: Southern culture on the skids
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 04/07/2017
- Murder Ink: Passing the 100-page test
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 03/02/2017
- MurderInk: An Italian Masterpiece
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 02/02/2017
- Womans work
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 01/05/2017
- Murder Ink - Dysfunction junction
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 12/01/2016
- Murder Ink: Black Widow by Christopher Brookmyre
- By Jeffrey Mannix
- 11/03/2016