Paper chase
The Sneer is back – and no we're not talking about Billy Idol's comeback tour.

Paper chase
Missy Votel - 01/25/2024

After taking a hiatus last year, Durango’s belovedly snarky Snowdown publication The Sneer is reportedly back in action for 2024. The Telegraph got the scoop on good intel from the small town rumor mill, which was confirmed by a source who said they would hunt me down and string me up by my go-go boots if I revealed their identity.

“The Sneer is coming back. How did you know?” said the source, who we’ll call Wavy Gravy, since it goes with this year’s “peace and love” theme. “People were obviously missing it. I didn’t realize how many fans it had.” 

Unlike past renditions of The Sneer, in which no one was spared from cheap laughs and good-natured public ridicule, this year’s iteration promises to be a kinder, gentler version of its former self.  “We’re trying to make it a very nice publication; cheeky but not poking real fun,” said Gravy. 

For the record – and despite theories to the contrary – The Sneer is not produced by yours truly, but is the product of some other equally brilliant local smart asses. In fact, not even spokesperson Gravy claimed to know who the real creators are.

“I have no idea who does it. They want to stay anonymous,” he said. “I’ll claim I don’t know sh**.”

However, Gravy said the Sneer is putting out a call to would-be contributors to write for next year’s Sneer. After they swear on their mother’s grave and take a solemn oath to never divulge the real perpetrators.

While Gravy claimed he did not know when The Sneer would hit newsstands – likely under the cover of night – Snowdown 2024 begins in earnest this Fri., Jan. 26. In recent years, the typical five days of debauchery has morphed into an all-out 10-day bacchanal.

“It’s due to the sheer number of events. We’ve gone from 61 events in the ’70s to more than 180 now,” said Gravy, adding that this year’s Snowdown – the 40th – is the biggest yet.

“Snowdown’s gonna be monstrous this year,” he said. “We’re past COVID, and everyone’s doing their thing now.”  

So go forth, all you hippies and flower children – it’s time to party like it’s 1969. Just remember to pace yourself – and look out for the brown acid.