9-R pressured by MAGA
The MAGA cultists of the faded GOP are at it again. This time, following the Crusader’s cross of Colorado GOP Vice Chairman Hope Sheppelman, they are attempting to extort Durango School District 9-R into abandoning publicly proposed policies that recognize the longstanding marginalization of some of the most vulnerable students.
Sheppelman was elected vice chairman having observed that the GOP desperately needs to attract “Republicans, independents, moderates, conservatives, older and younger voters.” As an independent voter, I applauded this clear-eyed, seemingly principled assessment. Of course, I expected such words to be honored as much in their breach as in deed – we’re talking the GOP here, after all. Now, it seems, Sheppelman has abandoned her own words of record and become a full priestess of the MAGAteer cult.
A letter co-penned by Sheppelman to the State GOP vows that the party will ape their dear leader’s historic practice of scorched earth “lawfare” to suppress and vanquish all whom they perceive to be heretically at odds with MAGA neo-orthodoxy. Indulging in the warped, disgusting and self-revealing fantasies of their MAGA theocrats, they have defamed and libeled dedicated educators and threatened destruction of the educational opportunities of their neighbors’ children – including those within the GOP political orientation – if the district won’t genuflect to their bullying.
Having sold her soul, Sheppelman makes it clear that the MAGA cult has nothing to offer actual “Republicans, independents, moderates, conservatives, older and younger voters.”
I wish I were shocked.
– Paul Garrett, Bayfield