A noxious human weed
With six hard-core conservative justices and three liberal justices in the U.S. Supreme Court, a decision was made July 1 about what kind of brand-new authority a U.S. president in office has. This new ruling undeniably favors Donald J. Trump, if he wins the presidency. He would be allowed to thumb his nose at our Constitution with unprecedented immunity. Just listen to his plans and make no mistake, he means what he says about being a dictator on day one, if elected.
The only way we can avoid another four years of “Trump’s Second Administration on Steroids” – where he would instill horrible health plans for women, stop our right to protest by shooting our legs (a wish by Trump when holding a Bible upside down during a peaceful demonstration during his first administration), and the dark list goes on and on – unless we vote for the democracy “We the People” proudly established more than two centuries ago. There is no room in the USA for leaders who are noxious human weeds who lie and do other morally corrupt actions without impunity.
We can be the envy of the world as we once were. Vote in November for keeping our democracy intact.
– Sally Florence, Durango