Keep The Hive alive

Why is The Hive being kicked to the curb? This is a valuable resource to Durango. They host activities for youth in a substance-free environment. Skateboarding, punk shows, a safe place to hang out. Who is kicking them out? The McLean group out of Vancouver, B.C., up there in Canada? Their property tax bills go to a foot doctor in Manassas, Va. Who are these people? They were instrumental in the end of the Lost Dog bar and restaurant in 2015, a favorite hangout.

The McLean Group website is sprinkled with phrases like “principles of fairness, respect and support to people, community service and a fundamental commitment to do the right thing.” The Hive is a decent organization with really caring people who truly embody “a fundamental commitment to do the right thing.” I’ve met Kelsie and played music with Alex, and though he is a dedicated punk rocker, he’s agreed to play old Beatles and Talking Heads when asked.

These are the type of people who should be encouraged in their selfless pursuits. Could the City of Durango funnel money from traffic studies to help support this organization? Could the McLean Group live up to their rhetoric? Keep the Hive alive.

– Rhys Shrock, Durango