Mushroom-soaked imagination
(Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to last week’s “Pole” item about a travel story in the Denver Post that highlighted Mancos as well as other off-the-beaten-path towns in Colorado.)
I live in the Mancos Valley, which might just as well be an official part of Arizona in the summer. We don’t have enough water, just like Phoenix, which is a good thing until we need more ourselves. That keeps us in the less-visited category and not the overbuilt.
That was digression.
The real reason for this mail is to let you know that Platoro doesn’t exist, and you must never mention it again. I’m also in the market for a hacker who can sneak a retraction in the Denver Post website saying it was a figment of their writer’s mushroom-soaked imagination.
–Terry Moores, somewhere near Mancos