Put post office in mall
I retired in Durango in 2000, and back then we had three post offices in town: the main one downtown on 8th Street; a contract office at 32nd and Main; and one in the Durango Mall. The north and south contract stations closed in about 2003, leaving just the main downtown office. It was built in 1979 when Durango had a population of about 11,000. Although the Bush administration passed the ADA in 1990, the downtown post office has not installed auto door openers, because they say it was grandfathered in. Well, tell that to a grandma with a walker.
I think the city might move the post office to install auto doors. This is 2025. The city could also buy the post office and the land to make more parking next to the Transit Center. The post office could then move to the south end of the Durango Mall, where JCPenney was. There is lots of parking and room for semi trucks.
The city is growing south with housing and business … so why not? Durango is about 19,000 now, and the post office is outdated. Just think, the south end of the mall will be active again and parking issues downtown improved. No need to cut 50 parking meter spots or have a new post office built.
– Bob Battani, Durango