Vote for Dave Luschen

I am writing in support of David Luschen as a candidate for LPEA in District 4.

Luschen believes that local, renewable energy gives us greater control of our energy costs, freedom from a third-party energy supplier, and resilience against supply and demand spikes.

According to the website of John Purser, Luschen’s opponent, “Tri-State’s carbon reduction goals are more aggressive in scope and timeline than the carbon reduction goal of LPEA.” Having served on LPEA for three years, I can say that this is far from the truth. Yes, Tri-State has made gains in adding renewable energy to its mix, but it has done so kicking and screaming. I believe moving on from Tri-State is the best move for obtaining more local and renewable energy.

Additionally, Luschen has 26 years of utility experience with an engineering background. Having someone with prior knowledge and years of experience in the electric field will only better our cooperative.

Please join me in voting for Luschen for LPEA Board of Directors.

– Michael Rendon, Durango