Vote the educational ticket
As an educator who taught pre-school through grad school, I implore you to vote for teachers and friends of education in our political races. Term-limited, former teacher Rep. Barbara McLachlan served our community so well and brought significant funding to increase teacher pay and thus strengthen our public schools.
Looking up and down the Democratic ticket, from Candidate for State Representative Katie Stewart to Vice Presidential Candidate Tim Walz, it’s clear the strongest candidates are involved in supporting our local schools or have served as exemplary teachers and/or coaches.
Think back to a favorite teacher from your past. What do you remember most? Did they lift you up, give you hope, challenge you to push toward your best self, model the values by which you want to be defined and remembered?
That’s what we all need to unite behind now. Vote for the best candidates, vote for civil discourse, vote for education that brings the power to solve problems and improve all lives. I see these strengths on the Democratic ticket from top to bottom this election.
Please vote for an educated, thoughtful Colorado and America that strives to bring out the best in us all!
– Paulette Church, Durango