Place a Classified Ad

About classifieds:

• Deadline for classifieds is Tuesday at noon.

DO NOT forget to add your contact information in the body of your ad

• Cost is 10 cents per character, not including spaces. $5 minimum

• Add a color photo or logo to your ad for just $10! (*Please note, classified photos and logoes print at 2.3" wide by 1.1" tall so some cropping may occur. It is best to upload images that are horizontal and will reproduce well at a smaller size.)

You do not need to register to place an ad. However, by registering, you will be able to save your ads for future use and reference.

DO NOT SEND YOUR AD IN ALL CAPS or use  RanDom CapiTaliZatiOn

• Please, no political ads in classifieds. You will NOT BE refunded.


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Your Ad
(this will be bolded and centered above your ad)
(letters only)
$10.00/week additional cost

Lost and Founds, Free, and Meet Market ads are free. Limit 2 weeks.

The Durango Telegraph is published once a week on Thursday.
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Cost this ad:
Payment Information

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Lost and Founds, Free, and Meet Market ads are free. Limit 2 weeks.

Disclaimer: The Telegraph reserves the right to edit classified ads for inappropriate content, random capitalization and other weirdness. Once ads are placed, they are nonchangeable and nonrefundable. Depending on circumstances, we may be able to cancel ads if you call before deadline and ask nicely. Due to layout constrictions ads may not appear in print exactly as they appear on the screen.