A Christmas Story

Hats, gloves and boots are out and ready for snowball fights and sledding adventures. But with dry weather making that impossible, locals can at least put them to good use traipsing through the forest for the time-honored holiday ritual of tree hunting. Folks around town are getting out their tinsel, ornaments and, more importantly, saws and Forest Service permits, to make a day hiking for the perfect specimen to light up their holidays. And even if it looks a little like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, the memories of time spent with family and friends will warm the heart forever. 

Cutting through the tree of choice is easier when it is smaller.

Casey Roberts helps son, Owen, wrap a permit from the Forest Service around the base of the tree before heading out of Junction Creek.

Hiking over the river and through the woods, but not to grandmother's house.
Loic Roberts takes the easy route through the woods on the shoulders of his mom, Meg Robert on Sunday afternoon.
Casey Roberts lifts the winner up and back to the car.