All dressed up & nowhere to snow
The lack of snow this year in Durango forced Snowdown to be dubbed "Brown Down" or "No Snowdown," but it still had all the joviality of festivities of yore. This year, it seemed only fitting to toast 40 years of Durango’s favorite party dressed to the nines with a "black tie affair." The nice weather brought folks out in droves wearing everything from prom dresses to tuxedos for games of skill, daring, knowledge, strength and, occasionally, questionable judgement. For those who like things a little tamer, the ever-popular Light Parade on Friday night offered a chance to observe without entering the fray. And just in case you “blacked out” for some of the five days of fanciful fun, here are a few highlights to help bring it all back in living color. Or at least black and white.