Dam it: Love it or hate it, there's no denying Lake Powell's pull

Even though it's been called an Indian summer in Southwest Colorado, a few of us cold-toed folks are still chasing the warm sun. Desert season is upon us, where the weather is ripe for the picking in Utah, New Mexico and Arizona. While it could be pegged as “winter denial,” it's rarely a bad idea to grab a swimsuit in the wee days of November and head out to a desert lake. Lake Powell, though somewhat controversial in environmental circles, is still a geographical wonder with 186 miles of sheer red cliffs and 161,390 acres of water and countless side canyons to explore. The reservoir holds four rivers’ waters – the Colorado, Escalante, Dirty Devil and San Juan – filling a canyon 25 miles wide in some spots. And while boating is the main attraction, there are plenty of places to get away from the motor and travel by foot to gaze at the wonders of the Southwest. 

An illuminated red rock buttress dazzles in the dusk.
Warming cold and tired toes by the camp fire

A peek of Rainbow Bridge entices astute observers.

Plentiful side canyons waiting to be explored.
A gaggle of gawking girls on a boat could never be a bad time.
Sunbeams beckon a turn around the next bend.
Looks like the beer might run out before the hiking options.